Compare commits


No commits in common. "a66936ccf825f2db6e35c011d0da1a5709364a21" and "1944ca0085a08ade203e355d6e05bb7487928911" have entirely different histories.

@ -83,38 +83,29 @@ bind-key p run "xsel -o | tmux load-buffer - ; tmux paste-buffer"
# Aesthetic
# pane border
{{- if (or (eq .chezmoi.hostname "arch") (eq .chezmoi.hostname "buzz")) }}
set -g pane-active-border-style fg=yellow
set -g message-command-style 'fg=#eeeeee bg=#333333 bold'
set -g message-style 'fg=#eeeeee bg=#333333 bold'
{{- else }}
set -g pane-active-border-style fg=red
{{- end }}
# message/command bar
set -g message-command-style 'fg=#cccccc bg=#333333 bold'
set -g message-style 'fg=#cccccc bg=#333333 bold'
# status bar
set -g status off
set -g status-position top
set -g status-position bottom
set -g status-bg '#333333'
set -g status-fg '#eeeeee'
set -g status-fg '#cccccc'
set -g status-left ''
set -g status-right ''
set -g window-status-format ''
set -g window-status-current-format ''
{{- else }}
set -g pane-active-border-style fg=red
set -g message-command-style 'fg=black bg=red bold'
set -g message-style 'fg=black bg=red bold'
set -g status on
set -g status-position top
set -g status-bg 'red
set -g status-fg 'black'
set -g status-left "#[bold align=centre]#I:#P #W"
set -g status-left-length 80
set -g status-right "#[bold][#(whoami)@#H]"
set -g status-right-length 20
set -g window-status-format ''
set -g window-status-current-format ''
{{- end }}
{{- if (or (eq .chezmoi.hostname "arch") (eq .chezmoi.hostname "buzz")) }}
# local and nested remote tmux sessions
# -
@ -124,16 +115,20 @@ bind -T root M-q \
set prefix None \;\
set key-table off \;\
set status on \;\
set status-right '#[bold align=centre]*LOCKED*'
set status-right '#[bold align=centre]DIVING'
bind -T off M-q \
set -u prefix \;\
set -u key-table \;\
set -u status off \;\
set status-right ''
set -u prefix \;\
set -u key-table \;\
set -u status off \;\
set status-right ''
# local and nested remote tmux sessions
{{- if (or (eq .chezmoi.hostname "arch") (eq .chezmoi.hostname "buzz")) }}
# Plugins