# starship's config file. # See > https://starship.rs/config ####################################### format = """ $username\ $hostname\ $directory\ $git_branch\ $git_commit\ $git_state\ $git_status\ $custom\ $cmd_duration\ $line_break\ $jobs\ $status\ $character""" # Print a new line at the start of the prompt add_newline = true [username] style_user = 'bold yellow' style_root = 'bold red' format = "[$user]($style)" [hostname] ssh_only = false detect_env_vars = ['SSH_CONNECTION', 'SUDO_USER'] format = "@[$hostname](bold red) " disabled = false [character] format = "$symbol " {{- if eq .chezmoi.username "root" }} success_symbol = "[#](bold green)" error_symbol = "[#](bold red)" {{- else }} success_symbol = "[>](bold green)" error_symbol = "[>](bold red)" vicmd_symbol = "[<](bold green)" {{- end }} [cmd_duration] min_time = 500 format = " [$duration](bold yellow)" show_milliseconds = true [directory] truncation_length = 8 truncate_to_repo = false truncation_symbol = "" format = "[$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) " {{- if eq .hosttype "desktop" "laptop" }} [directory.substitutions] "/mnt/" = " " "~/dev/" = "" {{- end }} [git_branch] always_show_remote = true format = "[$branch]($style)" [custom.fish_private] command = "echo PRIVATE" # shows output of command # detect_files = ["foo"] # can specify filters but wildcards are not supported when = """ set -q FISH_IS_IN_PRIVATE """ format = " [$output]($style)"