# flush all abbreviations for i in (abbr -l); abbr -e $i; end; # --------------------- abbr e "$EDITOR" abbr se "sudo $EDITOR" abbr vim "$EDITOR" abbr vd 'nvim -d' abbr vimd 'nvim -d' abbr vimr 'nvim -R' abbr Vim "vim" abbr bash 'bash --rcfile ~/.config/bash/bashrc' abbr df 'df -h' abbr mv 'mv' abbr less 'less -R' abbr grep 'grep -n --color=always' # abbr tree 'battree' abbr tree 'batexa -a --tree --git-ignore --level=3' abbr x 'xargs -I\'{}\'' abbr sedi "sed -i --follow-symlink 's///g'" abbr cc 'copy-contents' abbr P/ 'batpacsearch' abbr Pc 'sudo paru -Rns (paru -Qtdq)' abbr Pq 'paru -Q | fzf | awk \'{print $1}\' | xargs -I\'{}\' paru -Qi {}' abbr Pr 'paru -Rs (paru -Q | fzf | awk \'{print $1}\' | xargs -I\'{}\' paru -Qi {} | head -1 | awk -F\' : \' \'{print $2}\')' abbr Ps 'paru -S --skipreview --noconfirm' abbr Pu 'paru -Syu --skipreview --noconfirm --quiet' abbr uln 'unlink' abbr cal 'cal -w -m' if type -q update-all.sh abbr ua 'update-all.sh' end if type -q unplug-key.sh abbr uk 'unplug-key.sh' end abbr udb 'doas updatedb' abbr ka 'killall' # mozc setting dialog if test -x /usr/lib/mozc/mozc_tool abbr mozc-config '/usr/lib/mozc/mozc_tool --mode=config_dialog' end # youtube-dl abbreviations # if type -q youtube-dl; # abbr yd 'youtube-dl' # abbr ydlomni 'youtube-dl --config-location "~/.config/youtube-dl/v-list"' # # abbr ydl 'youtube-dl --config-location "~/.config/youtube-dl/v-list-u"' # abbr ydl 'youtube-dl-parallel-list' # abbr yda 'youtube-dl --config-location "~/.config/youtube-dl/audio"' # abbr ydal 'youtube-dl --config-location "~/.config/youtube-dl/a-list"' # end abbr yd 'yt-dlpueue' if type -q ytfzfdl; abbr yfd ytfzfdl end # ffmpeg-wrapper(s) if type -q ffmpeg; type -q ffmpeg-split; and abbr ffsp 'ffmpeg-split' type -q ffmpeg-wrapper; and abbr ffw 'ffmpeg-wrapper' end # Play youtube through mpv # abbr yp 'setsid mpv --no-terminal --ytdl-raw-options=sub-lang=en --sid=1 --pause' abbr yp 'mpv-play-youtube' abbr yt "mpvytl --changed-within 3d" abbr m "setsid mpv --no-terminal" # nnn (filemanger) if type -q nnn; abbr nn 'nnn -Hrd' if test -d /mnt/hdd abbr nnh 'nnn -Hrd /mnt/hdd/' end if test -d /mnt/rpi4 abbr nnr 'nnn -Hrd /mnt/rpi4' end end # systemd (systemctl) abbr S 'sudo systemctl' abbr Sr 'sudo systemctl restart' abbr Ss 'sudo systemctl start' abbr St 'sudo systemctl status' abbr Se 'sudo systemctl enable' abbr Sd 'sudo systemctl disable' abbr Sp 'sudo systemctl stop' abbr Su 'systemctl --user' abbr Sur 'systemctl --user restart' abbr Sus 'systemctl --user start' abbr Sut 'systemctl --user status' abbr Sue 'systemctl --user enable' abbr Sud 'systemctl --user disable' abbr Sup 'systemctl --user stop' abbr Jc 'sudo journalctl' abbr Jcu 'journalctl --user' # poweroff abbr pwo 'poweroff' # change directory abbr - 'cd -' abbr .. 'cd ..' abbr ... 'cd ../..' abbr .... 'cd ../../..' abbr ..... 'cd ../../../..' abbr D 'cd ~/dl' abbr M 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /run/media/inkch/ 3' abbr srv 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /srv 3' abbr jelly 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /srv/jellyfin 3' abbr hdd 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /mnt/hdd 3' abbr hdd2 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /mnt/hdd2 3' abbr BK 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /mnt/hdd/bk 3' abbr R 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /mnt/rpi4 2' abbr T 'cd ~/dl/torrent' abbr cdw 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/ws' abbr f. 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec . 5' abbr f.. 'bd' abbr cdc 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/.config 3' abbr cdd 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/dev 2' abbr cde 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec /etc 4' abbr cdf "fuzzy-find -t d --exec $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/fons 2" abbr cdk "fuzzy-find -t d --exec $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/vimwiki 2" abbr cdh 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/hack' abbr cdj "cd $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/fons/journal" abbr cdn "cd $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/fons/notes" abbr cdo "cd $HOME/org" abbr cdr "cd $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/fons/review" abbr cds "cd $XDG_DATA_HOME/myscripts" abbr cdsys "cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/systemd/user" abbr cdl 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/.local' abbr cdv 'fuzzy-find -t d --exec ~/vc' # Dev Playgroud abbr pg "cd ~/dev/pg && $EDITOR" # Reload(source) config # abbr sf "source (fd -HI -t f -e fish . $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish)" abbr sf "source-fish-config" abbr sff "source-fish-file" abbr ff 'fuzzy-find -t f' abbr fe 'fuzzy-find -t f --exec . 5' abbr ,. 'fuzzy-find -t f --exec . 5' # Edit config abbr e. "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $PWD 5" abbr e~ "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $HOME 7" abbr ec "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_CONFIG_HOME 4" abbr em "$EDITOR $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/morningnote/(date +%Y-%m-%d).md" abbr eci "$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/i3/config" abbr ecp "$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/polybar/config" abbr ew "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/vimwiki" # Edit fish-shell config/func/abbr abbr ef "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish 2" abbr efc "$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/config.fish" abbr efa "$EDITOR $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/abbreviations.fish" abbr eff "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fish/functions 1 -E '__*'" # Create new fish function abbr nff "new-fish-function" # Edit vim configs abbr ev "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim 3" # Edit my own scripts abbr es "fuzzy-find -t f --exec $XDG_DATA_HOME/myscripts 2" # Transmission (torrent) abbr trl "transmission-remote -l" abbr trc "transmission-remote-cli" # Git abbr g 'git' abbr gs 'git status' abbr gfe 'git fetch' abbr gfa 'git fetch --all' abbr gco 'git checkout' abbr gcob 'git checkout -b' abbr gcm 'git commit -m' abbr gcma 'git commit -am' abbr gbr 'git branch' abbr gbra 'git branch -a' abbr gd 'git diff' abbr gl 'git log -p --ext-diff' abbr glg 'git log --graph --decorate --oneline --date=iso' abbr gemp 'git commit --allow-empty -m' abbr gps "git remote | fzf -1 | xargs -I'{}' git push {}" abbr gpl "git remote | fzf -1 | xargs -I'{}' git pull {}" ## Use interactive option all time abbr rm 'rm -i' abbr rmi 'rm -I' abbr rmr 'rm -rI' abbr rmd 'rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty --parents (fd -t d -t e)' # abbr for `wishlist` (fish function) abbr wish 'wishlist' # Use advcpmv (Advanced cp & mv) if type -q acp; abbr cp 'acp -g' # abbr bk 'acp -g -b' else abbr bk 'cp -b' end if type -q amv; abbr mv 'amv -g' end ## Use modern 'ls' replacement if type -q exa; if type -q batexa abbr la 'batexa -lag --git' abbr lad 'batexa -lagd --git' else abbr la 'exa -lag' abbr lad 'exa -lagd' end abbr we "watchexa" end if type -q watchexec; abbr wex 'watchexec' end ## Use enhanced 'find' if type -q fd; abbr fde 'fd -H -e' # Filter by file extension abbr fdd 'fd -H -t d' # File type "directory" abbr fdE 'fd -H -t d -t empty' # File type "directory" abbr fdf 'fd -H -t f' # File type "file" abbr fdx 'fd -H -t x' # File type "executable" abbr fdz "fd -H -t d | xargs -I'{}' zip {} -r {}" end if type -q docker; abbr dockill "docker ps | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I'{}' docker kill {}" abbr docrm "docker ps -a | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I'{}' docker rm {}" abbr docrmi "docker images | fzf | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I'{}' docker rmi {}" end if type -q grc; abbr blkid 'grc blkid' abbr cat 'bat' abbr cpgrep 'colorpgrep' abbr cvs 'grc cvs' abbr df 'grc df -h' abbr diff 'colordiff' abbr digg 'grc digg' abbr dnf 'grc dnf' abbr docker 'grc docker' abbr du 'grc du' abbr env 'grc env' abbr fdisk 'grc fdisk' abbr findmnt 'grc findmnt' abbr free 'grc free' abbr g++ 'grc g++' abbr gcc 'grc gcc' abbr getfacl 'grc getfacl' abbr getsebool 'grc getsebool' abbr id 'grc id' abbr iostat 'grc iostat' # abbr ip 'grc ip' abbr last 'grc last' abbr lsattr 'grc lsattr' abbr lsblk 'grc lsblk' abbr lsmod 'grc lsmod' abbr lsof 'grc lsof' abbr lspci 'grc lspci' abbr make 'grc make' abbr mount 'grc mount' abbr mtr 'grc mtr' abbr netstat 'grc netstat' abbr nmap 'grc nmap' abbr ping 'grc ping -c 3' abbr ps 'grc ps' abbr sar 'grc sar' abbr semanage 'grc semanage' abbr showmount 'grc showmount' abbr ss 'grc ss' abbr stat 'grc stat' abbr sysctl 'grc sysctl' abbr tail 'grc tail' abbr tcpdump 'grc tcpdump' abbr traceroute 'grc traceroute' abbr tune2fs 'grc tune2fs' abbr ulimit 'ulimit' abbr uptime 'grc uptime' abbr vmstat 'grc vmstat' abbr wdiff 'grc wdiff' end abbr ip 'ip -color=auto' # frequently use abbr ryt 'rsync -aAX --info=progress2 /mnt/hdd/vids/yt/ /mnt/rpi4/vids/yt --delete' if type -q pueue abbr ryta 'pueue add -- rsync -aAX --info=progress2 /mnt/hdd/vids/yt/ /mnt/rpi4/vids/yt --delete; pueue add -- rsync -aAX --info=progress2 /mnt/hdd/vids/_archive/ /mnt/rpi4/vids/_archive --delete' else abbr ryta 'rsync -aAX --info=progress2 /mnt/hdd/vids/yt/ /mnt/rpi4/vids/yt --delete; rsync -aAX --info=progress2 /mnt/hdd/vids/_archive/ /mnt/rpi4/vids/_archive --delete' end abbr pod 'fd -HI -t f --changed-within 30d . ~/.config/mpd/music/rapiko/output/audio | sort | sed "s;/home/inkch/.config/mpd/music/rapiko/output/audio/;;" | fzf | xargs -I'{}' mpc insert rapiko/output/audio/{}' abbr nndl 'python ~/dev/nndownload/nndownload/nndownload.py -r 10 -u "vfcgxwho@gmail.com" -p "2Mrqxnp*GBHH#6z3e3@BIY!ZzJbcrias"' # vimwiki set -l wiki_root $XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR/vimwiki abbr ,ww "nvim -c 'cd $wiki_root | Goyo | VimwikiIndex'" abbr ,wi "nvim -c 'cd $wiki_root | Goyo | VimwikiDiaryIndex'" abbr ,w,w "nvim -c 'cd $wiki_root | Goyo | VimwikiMakeDiaryNote'" # Rust abbr rcr rust-compile-n-run if type -q nvidia-settings # nvidia-settings (To use XDG-Base-Directory) abbr nvidia-settings 'nvidia-settings --config="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvidia/settings"' end if type -q insect abbr calc "insect" else abbr calc "echo 'Try `insect`. You can get it fron AUR.'" end if type -q z abbr j "zi" end abbr h fiztory if type -q fzf abbr sshf "ssh (rg '^Host\s' ~/.ssh/config | cut -d' ' -f 2 | fzf)" end if type -q pueue abbr pu pueue abbr pus 'pueue status' abbr pua 'pueue add --' abbr pul "pueue log (pueue status | rg -o '^\s*[0-9]*\s.*[0-9]' | fzf --multi | cut -d' ' -f 2)" abbr puf "pueue follow (pueue status | rg -o '^\s*[0-9]*\s.*[0-9]' | fzf --multi | cut -d' ' -f 2)" abbr puc "pueue clean" abbr puw "watch -cn 1 'pueue status'" end if type -q yarn abbr ya "yarn --use-yarnrc ~/.config/yarn/yarnrc" abbr yarn "yarn --use-yarnrc ~/.config/yarn/yarnrc" end if type -q vultr-cli abbr vultr vultr-cli --config $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vultr-cli/config.yaml end if type -q gfold abbr gf gfold -d classic end if type -q zathura abbr za "zathura (exa ~/dl/pdf | fzf)" end # udiskie if type -q udiskie abbr udi "udiskie" end if type -q udiskie-mount abbr udim "udiskie-mount" end if type -q udiskie-umount abbr udiu "udiskie-umount" end if test -f ~/esp/esp-idf/export.fish abbr get_idf ". ~/esp/esp-idf/export.fish" end if type -q parallel abbr pa 'parallel' end if type -q parallel and type -q aunpack abbr paun 'parallel aunpack "{}" :::' end if type -q mcomix abbr mx mcomix end if type -q chezmoi abbr cz chezmoi end